(A psalm by Asaph.)
Please Do Something, God!
1 When all the other gods
have come together,
the Lord God judges them
and says:
2 “How long will you
keep judging unfairly
and favoring evil people?
‘Our father died in the wilderness... Why should our father’s name disappear from his clan because he had no son Give us property among our father’s relatives.’”
3 Be fair to the poor
and to orphans.
Defend the helpless
and everyone in need.
4 Rescue the weak and homeless
from the powerful hands
of heartless people.

5 “None of you know
or understand a thing.
You live in darkness,
while the foundations
of the earth tremble.

6 “I, the Most High God, say
that all of you are gods
and also my own children.
7 But you will die,
just like everyone else,
including powerful rulers.”

8 Do something, God!
Judge the nations of the earth;
they belong to you.