1 A Psalme or song for the Sabbath day. It is a good thing to praise the Lord, and to sing vnto thy Name, O most High, 2 To declare thy louing kindenesse in the morning, and thy trueth in the night, 3 Vpon an instrument of tenne strings, and vpon the viole with the song vpon the harpe. 4 For thou, Lord, hast made mee glad by thy workes, and I wil reioyce in the workes of thine handes. 5 O Lord, how glorious are thy workes! and thy thoughtes are very deepe. 6 An vnwise man knoweth it not, and a foole doeth not vnderstand this, 7 (When the wicked growe as the grasse, and all the workers of wickednesse doe flourish) that they shall be destroyed for euer. 8 But thou, O Lord, art most High for euermore. 9 For loe, thine enemies, O Lord: for loe, thine enemies shall perish: all the workers of iniquitie shall be destroyed. 10 But thou shalt exalt mine horne, like the vnicornes, and I shalbe anoynted with fresh oyle. 11 Mine eye also shall see my desire against mine enemies: and mine eares shall heare my wish against the wicked, that rise vp against me. 12 The righteous shall flourish like a palme tree, and shall grow like a Cedar in Lebanon. 13 Such as bee planted in the house of the Lord, shall flourish in the courtes of our God. 14 They shall still bring foorth fruite in their age: they shall be fat and flourishing, 15 To declare that the Lord my rocke is righteous, and that none iniquitie is in him.
(A psalm and a song for the Sabbath.)
Sing Praises to the Lord
1 It is wonderful to be grateful
and to sing your praises,
Lord Most High!
2 It is wonderful each morning
to tell about your love
and at night to announce
how faithful you are.
3 I enjoy praising your name
to the music of harps,
4 because everything you do
makes me happy,
and I sing joyful songs.

5 You do great things, Lord.
Your thoughts are too deep
6 for an ignorant fool
to know or understand.
7 Though the wicked sprout
and spread like grass,
they will be pulled up
by their roots.
8 But you will rule
over all of us forever,
9 and your hateful enemies
will be scattered
and then destroyed.

10 You have given me
the strength of a wild ox,
and you have chosen me
to be your very own.
11 My eyes have seen,
and my ears have heard
the doom and destruction
of my evil enemies.

12 Good people will prosper
like palm trees,
and they will grow strong
like the cedars of Lebanon.
13 They will take root
in your house, Lord God,
and they will do well.
14 They will be like trees
that stay healthy and fruitful,
even when they are old.
15 And they will say about you,
“The Lord always does right!
God is our mighty rock.”