1 Praise ye the Lord. Praise thou the Lord, O my soule. 2 I will prayse the Lord during my life: as long as I haue any being, I wil sing vnto my God. 3 Put not your trust in princes, nor in the sonne of man, for there is none helpe in him. 4 His breath departeth, and he returneth to his earth: then his thoughtes perish. 5 Blessed is he, that hath the God of Iaakob for his helpe, whose hope is in the Lord his God. 6 Which made heauen and earth, the sea, and all that therein is: which keepeth his fidelitie for euer: 7 Which executeth iustice for the oppressed: which giueth bread to the hungry: the Lord loseth the prisoners. 8 The Lord giueth sight to the blinde: the Lord rayseth vp the crooked: the Lord loueth the righteous. 9 The Lord keepeth the strangers: he relieueth the fatherlesse and widowe: but he ouerthroweth the way of the wicked. 10 The Lord shall reigne for euer: O Zion, thy God endureth from generation to generation. Prayse ye the Lord.
Shout Praises to the Lord
1 Shout praises to the Lord!
With all that I am,
I will shout his praises.
2 I will sing and praise
the Lord God
as long as I live.

3 You can't depend on anyone,
not even a great leader.
4 Once they die and are buried,
that will be the end
of all their plans.

5 The Lord God of Jacob blesses
everyone who trusts him
and depends on him.
6 God made heaven and earth;
he created the sea
and everything else.
God always keeps his word.
7 He gives justice to the poor
and food to the hungry.

The Lord sets prisoners free
8 and heals blind eyes.
He gives a helping hand
to everyone who falls.
The Lord loves good people
9 and looks after strangers.
He defends the rights
of orphans and widows,
but destroys the wicked.

10 The Lord God of Zion
will rule forever!
Shout praises to the Lord!