1 To him that excelleth. A Psalme of David. Deliuer me, O Lord, from the euill man: preserue me from the cruel man: 2 Which imagine euill things in their heart, and make warre continually. 3 They haue sharpened their tongues like a serpent: adders poyson is vnder their lips. Selah. 4 Keepe mee, O Lord, from the handes of the wicked: preserue mee from the cruell man, which purposeth to cause my steppes to slide. 5 The proude haue layde a snare for me, and spred a nette with cordes in my pathway, and set grennes for me. Selah. 6 Therefore I saide vnto the Lord, Thou art my God: heare, O Lord, the voyce of my prayers. 7 O Lord God the strength of my saluation, thou hast couered mine head in the day of battel. 8 Let not the wicked haue his desire, O Lord: performe not his wicked thought, least they be proude. Selah. 9 As for the chiefe of them, that compasse me about, let the mischiefe of their owne lippes come vpon them. 10 Let coles fal vpon them: let him cast them into the fire, and into the deepe pits, that they rise not. 11 For the backbiter shall not be established vpon the earth: euill shall hunt the cruell man to destruction. 12 I know that the Lord will auenge the afflicted, and iudge the poore. 13 Surely the righteous shall prayse thy Name, and the iust shall dwell in thy presence.
(A psalm by David for the music leader.)
A Prayer for the Lord's Help
1 Rescue me from cruel
and violent enemies, Lord!
2 They think up evil plans
and always cause trouble.
3 Their words bite deep
like the poisonous fangs
of a snake.

4 Protect me, Lord, from cruel
and brutal enemies,
who want to destroy me.
5 Those proud people have hidden
traps and nets
to catch me as I walk.

6 You, Lord, are my God!
Please listen to my prayer.
7 You have the power to save me,
and you keep me safe
in every battle.

8 Don't let the wicked succeed
in doing what they want,
or else they might never
stop planning evil.
9 They have me surrounded,
but make them the victims
of their own vicious lies.
10 Dump flaming coals on them
and throw them into pits
where they can't climb out.
11 Chase those cruel liars away!
Let trouble hunt them down.

12 Our Lord, I know that you
defend the homeless
and see that the poor
are given justice.
13 Your people will praise you
and will live with you
because they do right.