1 When Israel went out of Egypt, and the house of Iaakob from the barbarous people, 2 Iudah was his sanctification, and Israel his dominion. 3 The Sea sawe it and fled: Iorden was turned backe. 4 The mountaines leaped like rams, and the hils as lambes. 5 What ailed thee, O Sea, that thou fleddest? O Iorden, why wast thou turned backe? 6 Ye mountaines, why leaped ye like rams, and ye hils as lambes? 7 The earth trembled at the presence of the Lord, at the presence of the God of Iaakob, 8 Which turneth the rocke into waterpooles, and the flint into a fountaine of water.
The Lord Works Wonders
1 God brought his people
out of Egypt, that land
with a strange language.
2 He made Judah his holy place
and ruled over Israel.

3 When the sea looked at God,
it ran away,
and the Jordan River
flowed upstream.
4 The mountains and the hills
skipped around like goats.

5 Ask the sea why it ran away
or ask the Jordan
why it flowed upstream.
6 Ask the mountains and the hills
why they skipped like goats!

7 Earth, you will tremble,
when the Lord God of Jacob
comes near,
8 because he turns solid rock
into flowing streams
and pools of water.