1 He that loueth instruction, loueth knowledge: but he that hateth correction, is a foole. 2 A good man getteth fauour of the Lord: but the man of wicked immaginations will hee condemne. 3 A man cannot be established by wickednesse: but the roote of the righteous shall not be mooued. 4 A vertuous woman is the crowne of her husband: but she that maketh him ashamed, is as corruption in his bones. 5 The thoughtes of the iust are right: but the counsels of the wicked are deceitfull. 6 The talking of the wicked is to lye in waite for blood: but the mouth of the righteous will deliuer them. 7 God ouerthroweth the wicked, and they are not: but the house of the righteous shall stand. 8 A man shall be commended for his wisedome: but the froward of heart shalbe despised. 9 He that is despised, and is his owne seruant, is better then he that boasteth himselfe and lacketh bread. 10 A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast: but the mercies of the wicked are cruell. 11 He that tilleth his lande, shalbe satisfied with bread: but he that followeth the idle, is destitute of vnderstanding. 12 The wicked desireth the net of euils: but the roote of the righteous giueth fruite. 13 The euill man is snared by the wickednesse of his lips, but the iust shall come out of aduersitie. 14 A man shalbe satiate with good things by the fruite of his mouth, and the recompence of a mans hands shall God giue vnto him. 15 The way of a foole is right in his owne eyes: but he that heareth counsell, is wise. 16 A foole in a day shall be knowen by his anger: but he that couereth shame, is wise. 17 He that speaketh trueth, will shewe righteousnes: but a false witnes vseth deceite. 18 There is that speaketh wordes like the prickings of a sworde: but the tongue of wise men is health. 19 The lip of trueth shall be stable for euer: but a lying tongue varieth incontinently. 20 Deceite is in the heart of them that imagine euill: but to the counsellers of peace shall be ioye. 21 There shall none iniquitie come to the iust: but the wicked are full of euill. 22 The lying lips are an abomination to the Lord: but they that deale truely are his delite. 23 A wise man concealeth knowledge: but the heart of the fooles publisheth foolishnes. 24 The hand of the diligent shall beare rule: but the idle shalbe vnder tribute. 25 Heauines in the heart of man doeth bring it downe: but a good worde reioyceth it. 26 The righteous is more excellent then his neighbour: but the way of the wicked will deceiue them. 27 The deceitfull man rosteth not, that hee tooke in hunting: but the riches of the diligent man are precious. 28 Life is in the way of righteousnesse, and in that path way there is no death.
You Can't Hide behind Evil
1 To accept correction is wise,
to reject it is stupid.
2 The Lord likes everyone
who lives right,
but he punishes everyone
who makes evil plans.
3 Sin cannot offer security!
But if you live right,
you will be as secure
as a tree with deep roots.
4 A helpful wife is a jewel
for her husband,
but a shameless wife
will make his bones rot.

5 Good people have kind thoughts,
but you should never trust
the advice of someone evil.
6 Bad advice is a deadly trap,
but good advice
is like a shield.
7 Once the wicked are defeated,
they are gone forever,
but no one who obeys God
will ever be thrown down.
8 Good sense is worthy of praise,
but stupidity is a curse.
9 It's better to be ordinary
and have only one servant
than to think you are somebody
and starve to death.
10 Good people are kind
to their animals,
but a mean person is cruel.

11 Hard working farmers have more
than enough food;
daydreamers are nothing more
than stupid fools.
12 An evil person tries to hide
behind evil;
good people are like trees
with deep roots.
13 We trap ourselves
by telling lies,
but we stay out of trouble
by living right.
14 We are rewarded or punished
for what we say and do.
15 Fools think they know
what is best,
but a sensible person
listens to advice.

16 Losing your temper is foolish;
ignoring an insult is smart.
17 An honest person
tells the truth in court,
but a dishonest person
tells nothing but lies.
18 Sharp words cut like a sword,
but words of wisdom heal.
19 Truth will last forever;
lies are soon found out.
20 An evil mind is deceitful,
but gentle thoughts
bring happiness.
21 Good people never have trouble,
but troublemakers
have more than enough.
22 The Lord hates every liar,
but he is the friend of all
who can be trusted.
23 Be sensible and don't tell
everything you know—
only fools spread
foolishness everywhere.

24 Work hard, and you
will be a leader;
be lazy, and you
will end up a slave.
25 Worry is a heavy burden,
but a kind word
always brings cheer.
26 You are better off to do right,
than to lose your way
by doing wrong.
27 Anyone too lazy to cook
will starve,
but a hard worker
is a valuable treasure.
28 Living right is a pathway
that leads to life
and away from death.