1 Remember, O Lord, what is come vpon vs: consider, and behold our reproche. 2 Our inheritance is turned to the strangers, our houses to the aliants. 3 We are fatherles, euen without father, and our mothers are as widowes. 4 Wee haue drunke our water for money, and our wood is solde vnto vs. 5 Our neckes are vnder persecution: we are wearie, and haue no rest. 6 We haue giuen our handes to the Egyptians, and to Asshur, to be satisfied with bread. 7 Our fathers haue sinned, and are not, and we haue borne their iniquities. 8 Seruants haue ruled ouer vs, none would deliuer vs out of their hands. 9 Wee gate our bread with the perill of our liues, because of the sword of the wildernesse. 10 Our skinne was blacke like as an ouen because of the terrible famine. 11 They defiled the women in Zion, and the maydes in the cities of Iudah. 12 The princes are hanged vp by their hande: the faces of the elders were not had in honour. 13 They tooke the yong men to grinde, and the children fell vnder the wood. 14 The Elders haue ceased from the gate and the yong men from their songs. 15 The ioy of our heart is gone, our daunce is turned into mourning. 16 The crowne of our head is fallen: wo nowe vnto vs, that we haue sinned. 17 Therefore our heart is heauy for these things, our eyes are dimme, 18 Because of the mountaine of Zion which is desolate: the foxes runne vpon it. 19 But thou, O Lord, remainest for euer: thy throne is from generation to generation. 20 Wherefore doest thou forget vs for euer, and forsake vs so long time? 21 Turne thou vs vnto thee, O Lord, and we shalbe turned: renue our dayes as of olde. 22 But thou hast vtterly reiected vs: thou art exceedingly angry against vs.
A Prayer for Mercy
The People of Jerusalem Pray:
1 Our Lord, don't forget
how we have suffered
and been disgraced.
2 Foreigners and strangers
have taken our land
and our homes.
3 We are like children
whose mothers are widows.
4 The water we drink
and the wood we burn
cost far too much.
5 We are terribly mistreated;
we are worn out
and can find no rest.
6 We had to surrender
to Egypt and Assyria
because we were hungry.

7 Our ancestors sinned,
but they are dead,
and we are left to pay
for their sins.
8 Slaves are now our rulers,
and there is no one
to set us free.
9 We are in danger
from brutal desert tribes;
we must risk our lives
just to bring in our crops.
10 Our skin is scorched
from fever and hunger.

11 On Zion and everywhere in Judah
our wives and daughters
are being raped.
12 Our rulers are strung up
by their arms,
and our nation's advisors
are treated shamefully.
13 Young men are forced
to do the work of slaves;
boys must carry
heavy loads of wood.
14 Our leaders are not allowed
to decide cases in court,
and young people
no longer play music.

15 Our hearts are sad;
instead of dancing,
we mourn.
16 Zion's glory has disappeared!
And we are doomed
because of our sins.
17 We feel sick all over
and can't even see straight;
18 our city is in ruins,
overrun by wild dogs.

19 You will rule forever, Lord!
You are King for all time.
20 Why have you forgotten us
for so long?
21 Bring us back to you!
Give us a fresh start.
22 Or do you despise us so much
that you don't want us?