1 And the second lot came out to Simeon, euen for the tribe of the children of Simeon according to their families: and their inheritance was in the middes of the inheritance of the children of Iudah. 2 Nowe they had in their inheritance, Beersheba, and Sheba, and Moladah, 3 And Hazur-shual, and Balah, and Azem, 4 And Eltolad, and Bethul, and Hormah, 5 And Ziklag, and Beth-marcaboth, and Hazar-susah, 6 And Beth-lebaoth, and Sharuhen: thirteene cities with their villages. 7 Ain, Remmon, and Ether, and Ashan: foure cities with their villages. 8 And all the villages that were round about these cities, vnto Baalathbeer, and Ramath Southward: this is the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Simeon according to their families. 9 Out of the portion of the children of Iudah came ye inheritance of the childre of Simeon: for the part of ye children of Iudah was too much for them: therefore the children of Simeon had their inheritance within their inheritance. 10 Also the third lot arose for the children of Zebulun according to their families: and the coastes of their inheritance came to Sarid, 11 And their border goeth vp Westwarde, euen to Maralah, and reacheth to Dabbasheth, and meeteth with the riuer that lyeth before Iokneam, 12 And turneth from Sarid Eastward towarde the sunne rising vnto the border of Chisloth-tabor, and goeth out to Daberath, and ascendeth to Iaphia, 13 And from thence goeth along Eastwarde towarde the sunne rising to Gittah-hepher to Ittah-kazin, and goeth foorth to Rimmon, and turneth to Neah. 14 And this border compasseth it on ye North side to Hannathon, and the endes thereof are in the valley of Iiphtah-el, 15 And Kattath, and Nahallal, and Shimron, and Idalah, and Beth-lehem: twelue cities with their villages. 16 This is the inheritance of the children of Zebulun according to their families: that is, these cities and their villages. 17 The fourth lot came out to Issachar, euen for the children of Issachar according to their families. 18 And their coast was Izreelah, and Chesulloth, and Shunem, 19 And Hapharaim, and Shion, and Anaharath, 20 And Harabbith, and Kishion, and Abez, 21 And Remeth, and En-gannim, and Enhaddah, and Beth-pazzez. 22 And this coast reacheth to Tabor, and Shahazimath, and Beth-shemesh, and the endes of their coast reach to Iorden: sixteene cities with their villages. 23 This is the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Issachar according to their families: that is, the cities, and their villages. 24 Also the fift lot came out for the tribe of the children of Asher according to their families. 25 And their coast was Helcath, and Hali, and Beten, and Achshaph, 26 And Alammelech, and Amad, and Misheal, and came to Carmel Westward, and to Shihor Libnath, 27 And turneth towarde the sunne rising to Beth-dagon, and commeth to Zebulun, and to the valley of Iiphtah-el, toward the Northside of Beth-emek, and Neiel, and goeth out on the left side of Cabul, 28 And to Ebron, and Rehob, and Hammon, and Kanah, vnto great Zidon. 29 Then the coast turneth to Ramah and to the strong citie of Zor, and this border turneth to Hosah, and the ends thereof are at the Sea from Hebel to Achzib, 30 Vmmah also and Aphek, and Rehob: two and twentie cities with their villages. 31 This is the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Asher according to their families: that is, these cities and their villages. 32 The sixt lot came out to the children of Naphtali, euen to the children of Naphtali according to their families. 33 And their coast was from Heleph, and from Allon in Zaanannim, and Adaminekeb, and Iabneel, euen to Lakum, and the ends thereof are at Iorden. 34 So this coast turneth Westwarde to Aznoth-tabor, and goeth out from thence to Hukkok, and reacheth to Zebulun on the Southside, and goeth to Asher on the Westside, and to Iudah by Iorden toward the sunne rising. 35 And the strong cities are Ziddim, Zer, and Hammath, Rakkath, and Cinneereth, 36 And Adamah, and Ramah, and Hazor, 37 And Kedesh, and Edrei, and En-hazor, 38 And Iron, and Migdal-el, Horem, and Beth-anah, and Beth-shemesh: nineteene cities with their villages. 39 This is the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Naphtali according to their families: that is, the cities and their villages. 40 The seuenth lot came out for the tribe of the children of Dan according to their families. 41 And the coast of their inheritance was Zorah, and Eshtaol, and Ir-shemesh, 42 And Shaalabbin, and Aiialon, and Ithlah, 43 And Elon, and Temnathah, and Ekron, 44 And Eltekeh, and Gibbethon, and Baalah, 45 And Iehud, and Bene-berak, and Gath-rimmon, 46 And Me-iarkon, and Rakkon, with the border that lieth before Iapho. 47 But the coastes of the children of Dan fell out too litle for them: therefore the children of Dan went vp to fight against Leshem, and tooke it, and smote it with the edge of the sworde, and possessed it, and dwelt therein, and called Leshem, Dan after the name of Dan their father. 48 This is the inheritance of the tribe of the childre of Dan according to their families: that is, these cities and their villages. 49 When they had made an ende of deuiding the lande by the coastes thereof, then the children of Israel gaue an inheritance vnto Ioshua the sonne of Nun among them. 50 According to the worde of the Lord they gaue him the citie which hee asked, euen Timnath-serah in mount Ephraim: and hee built the citie and dwelt therein. 51 These are ye heritages which Eleazar the Priest, and Ioshua the sonne of Nun, and the chiefe fathers of the tribes of the children of Israel deuided by lot in Shiloh before the Lord at the doore of the Tabernacle of the Congregation: so they made an ende of deuiding the countrey.
Simeon's Land
1 Simeon was the second tribe chosen to receive land, and the region for its clans was inside Judah's borders. 2-6 In one region of Simeon's tribal land there were the following 13 towns with their surrounding villages:
Beersheba, Shema, Moladah, Hazar-Shual, Balah, Ezem, Eltolad, Bethul, Hormah, Ziklag, Beth-Marcaboth, Hazar-Susah, Beth-Lebaoth, and Sharuhen.
7 In another region, Simeon had the following four towns with their surrounding villages:
Enrimmon, Tachan, Ether, and Ashan.
8 Simeon's land also included all the other towns and villages as far south as Baalath-Beer, which is also called Ramah of the South.
9 Simeon's tribal land was actually inside Judah's territory. Judah had received too much land for the number of people in its tribe, so part of Judah's land was given to Simeon.
Zebulun's Land
10-12 Zebulun was the third tribe chosen to receive land. The southern border for its clans started in the west at the edge of the gorge near Jokneam. It went east to the edge of the land that belongs to the town of Dabbesheth, and continued on to Maralah and Sarid. It took in the land that belongs to Chislothtabor, then ended at Daberath.
The eastern border went up to Japhia 13 and continued north to Gath-Hepher, Ethkazin, and Rimmonah, where it curved toward Neah 14 and became the northern border. Then it curved south around Hannathon and went as far west as Iphtahel Valley.
15 Zebulun had twelve towns with their surrounding villages. Some of these were Kattath, Nahalal, Shimron, Jiralah, and Bethlehem.
16 This is the tribal land, and these are the towns and villages of the Zebulun clans.
Issachar's Land
17-23 Issachar was the fourth tribe chosen to receive land. The northern border for its clans went from Mount Tabor east to the Jordan River. Their land included the following 16 towns with their surrounding villages:
Jezreel, Chesulloth, Shunem, Hapharaim, Shion, Anaharath, Debirath, Kishion, Ebez, Remeth, En-Gannim, Enhaddah, Beth-Pazzez, Tabor, Shahazumah and Beth-Shemesh.
Asher's Land
24-26 Asher was the fifth tribe chosen to receive land, and the region for its clans included the following towns:
Helkath, Hali, Beten, Achshaph, Allammelech, Amad, and Mishal.
Asher's southern border ran from the Mediterranean Sea southeast along the Shihor-Libnath River at the foot of Mount Carmel, 27 then east to Beth-Dagon. On the southeast, Asher shared a border with Zebulun along the Iphtahel Valley. On the eastern side their border ran north to Beth-Emek, went east of Cabul, and then on to Neiel, 28 Abdon, Rehob, Hammon, Kanah, and as far north as the city of Sidon. 29-31 Then it turned west to become the northern border and went to Ramah and the fortress-city of Tyre. Near Tyre it turned toward Hosah and ended at the Mediterranean Sea.
Asher had a total of 22 towns with their surrounding villages, including Mahalab, Achzib, Acco, Aphek, and Rehob.
Naphtali's Land
32-34 Naphtali was the sixth tribe chosen to receive land. The southern border for its clans started in the west, where the tribal lands of Asher and Zebulun meet near Hukkok. From that point it ran east and southeast along the border with Zebulun as far as Aznoth-Tabor. From there the border went east to Heleph, Adami-Nekeb, Jabneel, then to the town called Oak in Zaanannim, and Lakkum. The southern border ended at the Jordan River, at the edge of the town named Jehudah. Naphtali shared a border with Asher on the west.
35-39 The Naphtali clans received this region as their tribal land, and it included 19 towns with their surrounding villages. The following towns had walls around them:
Ziddim, Zer, Hammath, Rakkath, Chinnereth, Adamah, Ramah, Hazor, Kedesh, Edrei, Enhazor, Iron, Migdalel, Horem, Beth-Anath, and Beth-Shemesh.
Dan's Land
40-46 Dan was the seventh tribe chosen to receive land, and the region for its clans included the following towns:
Zorah, Eshtaol, Ir-Shemesh, Shaalabbin, Aijalon, Ithlah, Elon, Timnah, Ekron, Eltekeh, Gibbethon, Baalath, Jehud, Azor, Beneberak, Gath-Rimmon, Mejarkon, and Rakkon.
Dan's tribal land went almost as far as Joppa. 47-48 Its clans received this land and these towns with their surrounding villages.
Later, when enemies forced them to leave their tribal land, they went to the town of Leshem. They attacked the town, captured it, and killed the people who lived there. Then they settled there themselves and renamed the town Dan after their ancestor.
Joshua's Land
49-51 The Israelites were still gathered in Shiloh in front of the sacred tent, when Eleazar the priest, Joshua, and the family leaders of Israel finished giving out the land to the tribes. The Lord had told the people to give Joshua whatever town he wanted. So Joshua chose Timnath-Serah in the hill country of Ephraim, and the people gave it to him. Joshua went to Timnath-Serah, rebuilt it, and lived there.