1 Then Eliphaz the Temanite answered, and sayde, 2 May a man be profitable vnto God, as he that is wise, may be profitable to himselfe? 3 Is it any thing vnto the Almightie, that thou art righteous? or is it profitable to him, that thou makest thy wayes vpright? 4 Is it for feare of thee that he will accuse thee? or go with thee into iudgement? 5 Is not thy wickednes great, and thine iniquities innumerable? 6 For thou hast taken the pledge from thy brother for nought, and spoyled the clothes of the naked. 7 To such as were wearie, thou hast not giuen water to drinke, and hast withdrawen bread from the hungrie. 8 But the mightie man had the earth, and he that was in autoritie, dwelt in it. 9 Thou hast cast out widowes emptie, and the armes of the fatherles were broken. 10 Therefore snares are round about thee, and feare shall suddenly trouble thee: 11 Or darkenes that thou shouldest not see, and abundance of waters shall couer thee. 12 Is not God on hie in the heauen? and behold the height of the starres how hie they are. 13 But thou sayest, How should God know? can he iudge through the darke cloude? 14 The cloudes hide him that he can not see, and he walketh in the circle of heauen. 15 Hast thou marked the way of the worlde, wherein wicked men haue walked? 16 Which were cut downe before the time, whose foundation was as a riuer that ouerflowed: 17 Which sayd vnto God, Depart from vs, and asked what the Almightie could do for them. 18 Yet hee filled their houses with good things: but let the counsell of the wicked be farre from me. 19 The righteous shall see them, and shall reioyce, and the innocent shall laugh them to scorne. 20 Surely our substance is hid: but the fire hath deuoured the remnant of them. 21 Therefore acquaint thy selfe, I pray thee, with him, and make peace: thereby thou shalt haue prosperitie. 22 Receiue, I pray thee, the law of his mouth, and lay vp his words in thine heart. 23 If thou returne to the Almightie, thou shalt be buylt vp, and thou shalt put iniquitie farre from thy tabernacle. 24 Thou shalt lay vp golde for dust, and the gold of Ophir, as the flintes of the riuers. 25 Yea, the Almightie shalbe thy defence, and thou shalt haue plentie of siluer. 26 And thou shalt then delite in the Almightie, and lift vp thy face vnto God. 27 Thou shalt make thy praier vnto him, and he shall heare thee, and thou shalt render thy vowes. 28 Thou shalt also decree a thing, and he shall establish it vnto thee, and the light shall shine vpon thy wayes. 29 When others are cast downe, then shalt thou say, I am lifted vp: and God shall saue the humble person. 30 The innocent shall deliuer the yland, and it shalbe preserued by the purenes of thine hands.
Eliphaz's Third Speech
What Use Are We Humans to God?
1 Eliphaz from Teman said:
2 What use are we humans
to God,
even the wisest of us?
3 If you were completely sinless,
that would still mean nothing
to God All-Powerful.
4 Is he correcting you
for worshiping him?
5 No! It's because of
your terrible and endless sins.
6 To guarantee payment of a debt,
you have taken clothes
from innocent people.
7 And you refused bread and water
to the hungry and thirsty,
8 although you were rich,
respected, and powerful.
9 You have turned away widows
and have broken the arms
of orphans.
10 That's why you were suddenly
trapped by terror,
11 blinded by darkness,
and drowned in a flood.
God Lives in the Heavens
12 God lives in the heavens
above the highest stars,
where he sees everything.
13 Do you think the deep darkness
hides you from God?
14 Do thick clouds cover his eyes,
as he walks around heaven's dome
high above the earth?
15 Give up those ancient ideas
believed by sinners,
16 who were swept away
without warning.
17 They rejected God All-Powerful,
feeling he was helpless,
18 although he had been kind
to their families.
The beliefs of these sinners
are truly disgusting.
19 When God's people see
the godless swept away,
they celebrate, 20 saying,
“Our enemies are gone,
and fire has destroyed
their possessions.”
Surrender to God All-Powerful
21 Surrender to God All-Powerful!
You will find peace
and prosperity.
22 Listen to his teachings
and take them to heart.
23 If you return to God
and turn from sin,
all will go well for you.
24 So get rid of your finest gold,
as though it were sand.
25 Let God All-Powerful
be your silver and gold,
26 and you will find happiness
by worshiping him.
27 God will answer your prayers,
and you will keep the promises
you made to him.
28 He will do whatever you ask,
and life will be bright.
29 When others are disgraced,
God will clear their names
in answer to your prayers.
30 Even those who are guilty
will be forgiven,
because you obey God.