1 And in that day shall seuen women take hold of one man, saying, Wee will eate our owne bread, and we wil weare our owne garments: onely let vs bee called by thy name, and take away our reproche. 2 In that day shall the budde of the Lord bee beautifull and glorious, and the fruite of the earth shalbe excellent and pleasant for them that are escaped of Israel. 3 Then hee that shalbe left in Zion, and hee that shall remaine in Ierusalem, shalbe called holy, and euery one shalbe written among the liuing in Ierusalem, 4 When the Lord shall wash the filthines of the daughters of Zion, and purge the blood of Ierusalem out of the middes thereof by the spirite of iudgement, and by the spirit of burning. 5 And the Lord shall create vpon euery place of mount Zion, and vpon the assemblies thereof, a cloude and smoke by day, and the shining of a flaming fire by night: for vpon all the glory shall be a defence. 6 And a couering shalbe for a shadow in the day for the heate, and a place of refuge and a couert for the storme and for the raine.
1 When this happens, seven women will grab the same man, and each of them will say, “I'll buy my own food and clothes! Just marry me and take away my disgrace.”
The Lord Will Bless His People Who Survive
2 The time is coming when the Lord will make his land fruitful and glorious again, and the people of Israel who survive will take great pride in what the land produces. 3 Everyone who is left alive in Jerusalem will be called special, 4 after the Lord sends a fiery judgment to clean the city and its people of their violent deeds.
5 Then the Lord will cover the whole city and its meeting places with a thick cloud each day and with a flaming fire each night. God's own glory will be like a huge tent that covers everything. 6 It will provide shade from the heat of the sun and a place of shelter and protection from storms and rain.