1 The burden of Moab. Surely Ar of Moab was destroied, and brought to silece in a night: surely Kir of Moab was destroied, and brought to silence in a night. 2 He shall goe vp to the temple, and to Dibon to the hie places to weepe: for Nebo and for Medeba shall Moab howle: vpon all their heades shalbe baldnesse, and euery beard shauen. 3 In their streetes shall they bee gilded with sackecloth: on the toppes of their houses, and in their streetes euery one shall howle, and come downe with weeping. 4 And Heshbon shall crie, and Elealeh: their voyce shall bee heard vnto Iahaz: therefore the warriers of Moab shall showt: the soule of euery one shall lament in him selfe. 5 Mine heart shall crie for Moab: his fugitiues shall flee vnto Zoar, an heiffer of three yere olde: for they shall goe vp with weeping by the mounting vp of Luhith: and by the way of Horonaim they shall raise vp a crie of destruction. 6 For the waters of Nimrim shall be dried vp: therefore the grasse is withered, the herbes consumed, and there was no greene herbe. 7 Therefore what euery man hath left, and their substance shall they beare to the brooke of the willowes. 8 For the crie went round about the borders of Moab: and the howling thereof vnto Eglaim, and the skriking thereof vnto Beer Elim, 9 Because the waters of Dimon shall be full of blood: for I will bring more vpon Dimon, euen lyons vpon him that escapeth of Moab, and to the remnant of the land.
Moab Will Be Punished
1 This is a message about Moab:

The towns of Ar and Kir
were destroyed in a night.
Moab is left in ruins!
2 Everyone in Dibon has gone up
to the temple and the shrines
to cry and weep.
All of Moab is crying.
Heads and beards are shaved
because of what happened
at Nebo and Medeba.
3 In the towns and at home,
everyone wears sackcloth
and cries loud and long.
4 From Heshbon and Elealeh,
weeping is heard in Jahaz;
Moab's warriors scream
while trembling with fear.
Pity Moab
5 I pity Moab!
Its people are running to Zoar
and to Eglath-Shelishiyah.
They cry on their way up
to the town of Luhith;
on the road to Horonaim
they tell of disasters.
6 The streams of Nimrim
and the grasslands
have dried up.
Every plant is parched.

7 The people of Moab are leaving,
crossing over Willow Creek,
taking everything they own
and have worked for.
8 In the towns of Eglaim
and of Beerelim
and everywhere else in Moab
mournful cries are heard.
9 The streams near Dimon
are flowing with blood.
But the Lord will bring
even worse trouble to Dimon,
because all in Moab who escape
will be attacked by lions.