1 Then I say, that the heire as long as hee is a childe, differeth nothing from a seruant, though he be Lord of all, 2 But is vnder tutours and gouernours, vntil the time appointed of the Father. 3 Euen so, we when wee were children, were in bondage vnder the rudiments of the world. 4 But when the fulnesse of time was come, God sent forth his Sonne made of a woman, and made vnder the Lawe, 5 That hee might redeeme them which were vnder the Law, that we might receiue the adoption of the sonnes. 6 And because ye are sonnes, God hath sent foorth the Spirit of his Sonne into your heartes, which crieth, Abba, Father. 7 Wherefore, thou art no more a seruant, but a sonne: now if thou be a sone, thou art also the heire of God through Christ. 8 But euen then, when ye knewe not God, yee did seruice vnto them, which by nature are not gods: 9 But now seeing ye knowe God, yea, rather are knowen of God, howe turne ye againe vnto impotent and beggerly rudiments, whereunto as from the beginning ye wil be in bondage againe? 10 Ye obserue dayes, and moneths, and times and yeeres. 11 I am in feare of you, lest I haue bestowed on you labour in vaine. 12 Be ye as I (for I am euen as you) brethren, I beseech you: ye haue not hurt me at all. 13 And ye know, how through infirmitie of the flesh, I preached ye Gospel vnto you at the first. 14 And the trial of me which was in my flesh, ye despised not, neither abhorred: but ye receiued me as an Angel of God, yea, as Christ Iesus. 15 What was then your felicitie? for I beare you recorde, that if it had bene possible, ye would haue plucked out your owne eyes, and haue giuen them vnto me. 16 Am I therefore become your enemie, because I tell you the trueth? 17 They are ielous ouer you amisse: yea, they woulde exclude you, that ye shoulde altogether loue them. 18 But it is a good thing to loue earnestly alwayes in a good thing, and not onely when I am present with you, 19 My litle children, of whome I trauaile in birth againe, vntill Christ be formed in you. 20 And I would I were with you nowe, that I might change my voyce: for I am in doubt of you. 21 Tell me, ye that will be vnder the Law, doe ye not heare the Lawe? 22 For it is written, that Abraham had two sonnes, one by a seruant, and one by a free woman. 23 But he which was of the seruant, was borne after the flesh: and he which was of the free woman, was borne by promise. 24 By the which things another thing is meant: for these mothers are the two testaments, the one which is Agar of mount Sina, which gendreth vnto bondage. 25 (For Agar or Sina is a mountaine in Arabia, and it answereth to Hierusalem which nowe is) and she is in bondage with her children. 26 But Hierusalem, which is aboue, is free: which is the mother of vs all. 27 For it is written, Reioyce thou barren that bearest no children: breake forth, and cry, thou that trauailest not: for the desolate hath many moe children, then she which hath an husband. 28 Therefore, brethren, wee are after the maner of Isaac, children of the promise. 29 But as then hee that was borne after the flesh, persecuted him that was borne after the Spirit, euen so it is nowe. 30 But what sayth the Scripture? Put out the seruant and her sonne: for the sonne of the seruant shall not be heire with the sonne of the free woman. 31 Then brethren, we are not children of the seruant, but of the free woman.
1 Children who are under age are no better off than slaves, even though everything their parents own will someday be theirs. 2 This is because children are placed in the care of guardians and teachers until the time their parents have set. 3 This is how it was with us. We were like children ruled by the powers of this world.
4 But when the time was right, God sent his Son, and a woman gave birth to him. His Son obeyed the Law, 5 so he could set us free from the Law, and we could become God's children. 6 Now that we are his children, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts. And his Spirit tells us that God is our Father. 7 You are no longer slaves. You are God's children, and you will be given what he has promised.
Paul's Concern for the Galatians
8 Before you knew God, you were slaves of gods that are not real. 9 But now you know God, or better still, God knows you. How can you turn back and become the slaves of those weak and pitiful powers? 10 You even celebrate certain days, months, seasons, and years. 11 I am afraid I have wasted my time working with you.
12 My friends, I beg you to be like me, just as I once tried to be like you. Did you mistreat me 13 when I first preached to you? No you didn't, even though you knew I had come there because I was sick. 14 My illness must have caused you some trouble, but you didn't hate me or turn me away because of it. You welcomed me as though I were one of God's angels or even Christ Jesus himself. 15 Where is that good feeling now? I am sure if it had been possible, you would have taken out your own eyes and given them to me. 16 Am I now your enemy, just because I told you the truth?
17 Those people may be paying you a lot of attention, but it isn't for your good. They only want to keep you away from me, so you will pay them a lot of attention. 18 It is always good to give your attention to something worthwhile, even when I am not with you. 19 My children, I am in terrible pain until Christ may be seen living in you. 20 I wish I were with you now. Then I would not have to talk this way. You really have me puzzled.
Hagar and Sarah
21 Some of you would like to be under the rule of the Law of Moses. But do you know what the Law says? 22 In the Scriptures we learn that Abraham had two sons. The mother of one of them was a slave, while the mother of the other one had always been free. 23 The son of the slave woman was born in the usual way. But the son of the free woman was born because of God's promise.
24 All of this has another meaning as well. Each of the two women stands for one of the agreements God made with his people. Hagar, the slave woman, stands for the agreement that was made at Mount Sinai. Everyone born into her family is a slave. 25 Hagar also stands for Mount Sinai in Arabia and for the present city of Jerusalem. She and her children are slaves.
26 But our mother is the city of Jerusalem in heaven above, and she isn't a slave. 27 The Scriptures say about her,

“You have never had children,
but now you can be glad.
You have never given birth,
but now you can shout.
Once you had no children,
but now you will have
more children than a woman
who has been married
for a long time.”

28 My friends, you were born because of this promise, just as Isaac was. 29 But the child who was born in the natural way made trouble for the child who was born because of the Spirit. The same thing is happening today. 30 The Scriptures say, “Get rid of the slave woman and her son! He won't be given anything. The son of the free woman will receive everything.” 31 My friends, we are children of the free woman and not of the slave.